One of the most promising areas of using RFID technology is to be able to read multiple tags in one time. Many companies would like to have their goods with UHF tags can be scanned automatically without wasting time on individual scanning. We have developed RFID Tunnel System to achieve this objective and our RFID tunnel has been installed in LF logistics and ICC International PLC.
Our RFID tunnel is embedded with a RFID reader, RFID antenna and a touch screen PC. The list of delivery item is downloaded into our RFID tunnel system. When items with UHF RFID label pass through the tunnel, our system will read and verify if the items are matched with the delivery note or not. Any mis-match or expired products will be highlighted on the touch screen in order avoid the mistake in the delivery. This process can be done automatically without manual scanning.
- Eliminate manual counting or scanning
- Minimizing the risk of delivery wrong or expired products.
- Increase the speed of delivery process