Case: Apollo Oil


Resulting from the RFID implementation in Apollo Oil in plant in Chonburi province, the company aims to extend this implementation to its warehouse. After exiting from its plant, the company would like to know when the vehicle arrives its warehouse in Pathumthani province.


With the benefits of Identify RFID Fleet Visibility solution, the objectives can be achieved with minimum investment.  Apollo Oil just installed additional readers at its warehouse.  When the truck arrives its warehouse and its tag is read by the reader at the entrance of the warehouse, the truck information is forward to data base application in Chonburi province.  Staff in the head office is able to know the status of this truck in the real time manner without waiting for human input as before.


  • Increase the fleet visibility for the logistics from exiting its head office until arriving the warehouse.
  • Eliminate human data entry
  • Truck status is digitalized in measurable format, while makes it possible to monitor and improve operation.
Reader at the Warehouse
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