
Case: Thai Beverage Can PLC Phase II


Following the RFID implementation in Thai Beverage Can PLC manufacturing site, TBC would like to extend this implementation to its warehouse in Saraburi and Prachinburi provinces.  The company would like to know when the truck arrives and exits the warehouses in real time manner.


With the benefits of Identify RFID Fleet Visibility solution, TBC can achieve this objective with the minimum investment.  The RFID readers are installed at the entrance of TBC warehouses in each province.  When the truck arrives the warehouse, The RFID tag is read by the reader at the entrance of the warehouse.  The truck information will be sent to the central server for further process through cloud server.  Staff in the head office is able to know the status of this truck in the real time manner without waiting for human input as before.


  • Increase the fleet visibility from exiting its manufacturing site until arriving the warehouse.
  • Eliminate human data entry
  • Truck status is digitalized in measurable format, while makes it possible to monitor and improve operation.
RFID Reader Prachinburi  Warehouse
RFID Reader Saraburi Warehouse

Case: Apollo Oil


Resulting from the RFID implementation in Apollo Oil in plant in Chonburi province, the company aims to extend this implementation to its warehouse. After exiting from its plant, the company would like to know when the vehicle arrives its warehouse in Pathumthani province.


With the benefits of Identify RFID Fleet Visibility solution, the objectives can be achieved with minimum investment.  Apollo Oil just installed additional readers at its warehouse.  When the truck arrives its warehouse and its tag is read by the reader at the entrance of the warehouse, the truck information is forward to data base application in Chonburi province.  Staff in the head office is able to know the status of this truck in the real time manner without waiting for human input as before.


  • Increase the fleet visibility for the logistics from exiting its head office until arriving the warehouse.
  • Eliminate human data entry
  • Truck status is digitalized in measurable format, while makes it possible to monitor and improve operation.
Reader at the Warehouse

Case: CPRAM Co., Ltd


CPRAM Co., Ltd would like to improve its vehicle entrance and exit operation.  The key objective of this implementation is to eliminate the data entry and the process to authorize the vehicle to enter the site. The company aims to the increase the efficiency on the parking lot inside its site.


Identify RFID Fleet Visibility solution is selected to be used to meet the objectives.  Each vehicle is tagged with outdoor RFID label.  The tag is read automatically with the reader located at the entrance and exit.  After reading, the vehicle information is forwarded to our software application.  If the vehicle is authorized to enter the site, the barrier gate will be opened automatically and forward its information into the center data base for further process.  Allowing on the authorized one, it can enhance the parking lot management.  It can ensure that ensure that the authorized one always has the parking space


  • Give real time information about the vehicle arrival and exit without human input
  • Improve parking lot management
  • Information is digitalized in measurable format, while makes it possible to monitor and improve operation.
Reader at Entrance
Reader at the Exit

Case: Hongsa Power Phase II


Hongsa which is a leading power plant in Laos aims to improve its crusher operation.  Currently, the process of recording the truck which unloads soil at the crusher operates manually.  Hongsa needs to improve this process to be done without human intervention in order to get the correct information in the real time manner.


Identify RFID Fleet Visibility solution is selected to be used to meet the objectives.  Each truck is tagged with outdoor RFID tag.  Since there are two unloading bay for one crusher, one reader with two antennas is installed at the crusher office.  When the truck is moved to the bay, the tag is read automatically with the reader on the crusher station.  Upon reading the tag, the truck information and its loading ID will be sent to the crusher office with Identify software.  The company is able to know the exact number of truck and its plate number which is unload soil on the crusher in real time manner, no need to wait for manual report as before.  This information will be used to evaluate the truck performance and business planning to increase crushing ability. 


  • Give better visibility on truck unloading
  • Eliminate human operation particularly the manual data entry
  • The information of truck unloading soil to crusher machine is digitalized in measurable format, while makes it possible to monitor and improve operation.
Installation Site
Reader at the Crusher
Reading tag at Crusher
Reader at the Crusher

Case: Hong Sa Power Phase I


Hong Sa Power would like to improve its truck weight operation.  When the truck enters the weight bridge, Hong Sa would like to automate its weighting process and would like to know the quantity of weighted coal in real time manner.


To improve this operation, Hong Sa decides to employ RFID technology. Each truck is tagged with an industrial passive RFID tag.  The tags are read automatically with the reader located at the weight bridge.  After reading by the readers, the truck information and its weight is displayed on the weight scale program and is forward to data base application.  The staff at the back end will be able to know the weight of coal in real time.  With the RFID solution, Hong Sa can eliminate the human operation on the weight scale and has better visibility on the quantity of coal.


  • Give real time information about the quantity of coal
  • Eliminate human data entry
  • Weight Information is digitalized in measurable format, while makes it possible to monitor and improve operation.
RFID on Weight Station
RFID Weight Station
RFID Weight Station

Case: Home Pro PLC

Home Pro PLC which is one of the largest household items retailers would like to improve its logistics management and increase the visibility of its trailer.  Currently the company does not have any effective technology to automatically manage its trailer. 


Passive RFID technology is selected to be used to meet the objectives. Each truck and its trailer are tagged with outdoor RFID tags.  The readers are installed at the key strategic station including entrance, loading bay, weight station and exit.  The tags are read automatically with the readers located at each station.  After reading by the reader, the truck information is forward to data base application.  Staff at the warehouse will be able to prepare loading operation in advance when the truck enters the factory.  With the readers at the each loading bay, warehouse staff is able to increase the utilization of loading bay.  Any loading bay which is not used will be automatically appeared on the control room.  Staff can assign the available trailer to do loading on that bay, unlike before which needs to have someone to walk to the DC to see which loading is unoccupied.  Besides eliminating some manual operation, the truck information is automatically recorded into the system.  The staff can use this information to set the KPI of each operation.  In addition, the company is able to know the number of the trailers which is used and which is not in used.  This information will be used for further business planning on the trailer utilization.


  • Give better visibility on trailer
  • Eliminate human operation such as data entry or etc.  
  • Truck and trailer status is digitalized in measurable format, while makes it possible to monitor and improve operation.
  • Increase the utilization of loading bay
Truck Tag and Driver Tag
Trailer Tag
Reader at the Entrance
Reader Weight Station
Loading Bay Reader

Case: Home Pro PLC Phase II

Following the RFID implementation in Home Pro PLC., the company is interested to extend our RFID Fleet Visibility in the new
warehouse.  The company would like to have a better visibility on its loading operation and the status of trailer within its new warehouse.


Identify RFID Fleet Visibility Solution has been developed to support this expansion.   Since all of his trailers are attached with RFID tags, the company just needs to install only RFID readers and RFID antennas in the loading bays.  The 48 RFID antennas are installed in the loading bays having 1 antenna per 1 bay. After the installation, the new loading bay are added into our system.  The key information of the loading bay operation will be forward to the center data base after the reader at the bay reads RFID tag in the trailer.  The warehouse staff is able to know which loading bay is in used and which one is not.  Among the using ones, he can monitor if the loading operation is under KPI or not in order to increase the operation.   


  • Give better visibility on trailer
  • Eliminate human operation such as data entry or etc. 
  • Increase the utilization of loading bay and its trailer
  • Truck and trailer status is digitalized in measurable format, while makes it possible to monitor and improve operation.
RFID Antenna Loading Bay
RFID Antenna Loading Bay

Identify Implement RFID in AEC Meeting

Identify has successfully implemented RFID Smart Event in  Asean Telecommunications & Information Technology Ministers Meeting.

This event is organized during Jan 13-23, 2015.   Most of the attendees are from government officer from Asean countires.  With Identify solution, all VIP guests can enter the event without wasting time manual registration.  Additionally, event organizers can have the full report of the number of attendees in real time. 

Identify Implement RFID in Cyclist Competition

Identify has successfully extended RFID technology to enhance cyclist competition in BangSaen Speed Fast. 

This solution is desinged to enhance timing.  RFID reader will record the iming and the round of each cyclist automatically.  This will enhance the efficiency in competition result.